Covid 19 has disrupted St. Mary’s Capital Campaign, which will now start early this fall.
Our current education and social hall are too small for our growing church community. In 1991, we built our new church and parish hall to accommodate the 275 parishioners. Today, our need for additional space is apparent.
Our rectory has been recently condemned due to mold issues and we no longer have any classroom space for our children’s religious education. The goal is to provide room for future growth for all in our church family. Our current social hall only holds 70 people. Our new building will hold about 200 people, paving the way for more community activities and social events to bring our faith community together.
We have the full support of the Archdiocese in building our NEW St Mary’s Religious Education and Parish Life Center for this project, and we all agree “NOW IS OUR TIME”, a time for us to prepare for future generations of Catholics. The new center will include five large classrooms and a new social hall with a new kitchen area, administrative offices, a social/meeting hall and welcoming entrance. The drawings for these buildings will soon be available in the church Narthex. We will be remodeling the present St Mary’s social hall for the Religious Education classrooms and building a brand-new steel structure where the current condemned rectory and religious education offices are. Both new buildings will be joined by a covered walkway.
HOW WILL WE ACCOMPLISH SUCH AN AMBITIOUS GOAL? We are moving forward and ask you to help build the new St Mary’s Religious and Parish Life Center. The estimated cost will be $ 650K, which is a lot of money. We already have $250K earmarked toward this goal thanks to those loyal families who have donated to our Building Fund for years. A $400K fundraising Capital Campaign is a monumental task to achieve for our small parish. If visitors care to donate to our project, please make checks payable to St Mary’s Building Fund.All donations to the St Mary’s Capital Campaign are tax deductible and can be mailed to the Church office (231 Rothell Road Ext., Toccoa, GA 30577) or placed in the building fund envelope in the pews. Should you have any questions, please contact Dave Slezickey (706) 779-1833 od
St Mary's Parish is actively planning additional classrooms and a fellowship buidling campaign. The plan consists of surrounding the exsisting Fellowship Hall (old Parsih Sanctuary/Church) with classroom space for our CCD Program.
A monthly second offertory collection titled 'Building Improvement Fund' goes towards this building project.
Members review general maintenance of the church, rectory, social hall and property. They respond to any building emergency that may arise and recommend to the pastor any needs, repairs or replacement.
Members have a general knowledge of buildings and grounds.
God's Housekeeping Ministry
God's Housekeeping Minisrty
Contact: LaVerne Tilley 706-886-5691
Ministers have a devoted desire to maintain the condition of the church and its appearance by conducting a general cleaning of the Church, altar area, pews, vestibule and restrooms.
Two person teams are rotated once a week. A several month schedule is distributed in advance.